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Deane Lam
Aug 1, 2020
Monthly reflection
A few weeks ago, I made the decision to throw myself a 'Hello Kitty' themed birthday party this year. It's something I never thought of...

Deane Lam
Jul 1, 2020
Monthly reflection
This month is all about freedom and reconnection. After months of practice, we've discovered how to effectively work and learn from home...

Deane Lam
Jun 1, 2020
Monthly reflection
Look for the potential, not the flaw. Don't just leave it, give up or throw away, you can and you will always find opportunities to make...

Deane Lam
May 1, 2020
Monthly reflection
Life in lockdown under the COVID-19 pandemic. This marks the 7th week (or longer for some) of staying at home. Despite the challenges,...

Deane Lam
Apr 1, 2020
Monthly reflection
I love going to bookstores for inspiration, and I've always been intrigued by the idea of a 'Blind date with a book.' It feels like a...

Deane Lam
Mar 1, 2020
Monthly reflection
To master a skill, it takes a lot of practices. We can't deny that talent is a very important gift, though it is the practice and...

Deane Lam
Feb 1, 2020
Monthly reflection
Take a step further. This year, try something new, different, look for opportunities, accept challenges, embrace changes; take a step...

Deane Lam
Jan 1, 2020
Monthly reflection
I am grateful. To be with my dear family, friends, in my hometown, doing the job I love, enjoying the spring and celebrating the biggest...

Deane Lam
Dec 1, 2019
Monthly reflection
I was on a train going back home from a meeting, looking outside the window at all the beautiful trees and sunshine, and I couldn't stop...

Deane Lam
Nov 1, 2019
Monthly reflection
A little humble milestone. Over the years, I've been very fortunate to collaborate with many talented people, designing programs for...

Deane Lam
Oct 1, 2019
Monthly reflection
This is a beautiful picture created by this little snail, little by little, step by step, marking down its life journey of today. There...

Deane Lam
Sep 1, 2019
Monthly reflection
I'm reading this book called "Everything is Fucked" by Mark Manson, which is a book about HOPE. We all need hope in life, especially...

Deane Lam
Aug 1, 2019
Monthly reflection
So, it has been a year since I started the first Monthly Reflection. Thank you for being part of our monthly reflection; you always...

Deane Lam
Jul 1, 2019
Monthly reflection
I was standing alone one day at a tennis court when a tall and friendly architect approached me and said hi. We spent the next two hours...

Deane Lam
Jun 1, 2019
Monthly reflection
I had an interesting discussion with my colleague about a workshop designed for young leaders, focusing on the topic of Wisdom. What is...

Deane Lam
May 1, 2019
Monthly reflection
Sometimes, it's worth the wait. Not just any wait, but the kind where you trust yourself, knowing you're giving your 100% every day. You...

Deane Lam
Apr 1, 2019
Monthly reflection
Take a moment to reflect on what you have done and achieved in March. Also, take a minute to look around and notice what is happening...

Deane Lam
Mar 1, 2019
Monthly reflection #lamsquare28daychallenge
It was a busy month. We just completed our Mind-Body Balance 28-day challenge yesterday, and it was a wonderful experience! It made me...

Deane Lam
Feb 1, 2019
Monthly reflection
Happy Chinese New Year! We started a 28-day mind-body balance challenge on February 1, 2019 — yeah!!! What will you do for yourself this...

Deane Lam
Jan 1, 2019
Monthly reflection
Happy New Year! Welcome to 2019. If you're spending time with your family and friends during this holiday, feel love. If you're enjoying...
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