"This is my first time encountering neuroscientific tools to reflect attributes of myself - It's amazing how much you can learn from 'yourself' by doing PRISM assessments. I would like to express my gratitude to Deane, for her professionalism and insightful analysis. It has been very helpful to reflect am I like at work and how can I take this further in my career. I think it's more just a tool or a 2 hours session with Deane, it's the holistic package you can make good use of for a very long time in anyone's career - of course you have to work hard with Deane and be true to yourself! Hahaha!"
-- Derek Lam
I enjoyed so much working with Derek, a very young, talented and never-stop-learning master graduate. Coming back from Australia, Derek for sure will explore his interest in this side of the world, and I believe that this program could give him guidances on the road to success.
Thank you Derek for the learning and sharing experience! Join the program.