It was a busy month. We just completed our Mind-Body Balance 28-day challenge yesterday, and it was a wonderful experience! It made me reflect a lot on how to better serve my mental and physical health. Don't forget, to change a behavior, it's not just about how long it takes (e.g., on average 21 days to build a behavior into a habit); there needs to be a reason to make it sustainable. I hope the formula Trigger -> Behavior -> Reward will help you understand more about how we build habits, especially the bad ones (e.g., smoking or overeating/drinking), and how to break the pattern. That's the purpose of setting up this #lamsquare28daychallenge: to reflect on who we are now, what we really need, and give ourselves a chance to change.
See what we have accomplished in the past 28 days! Follow us on Facebook and Instagram with #lamsquare28daychallenge. Thank you for your participation!
Happy March!
What changes have you noticed in the past month?
Listen to your mind and body, what are they telling you?
What/Who is missing in your life now? What are you going to do about it?