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Writer's pictureDeane Lam

Crafting Team Cohesion: The Trio of Charter, Neutrality, and Recognition

During the workshop today, we explored the importance of efficient teamwork in reaching organisational objectives. Forming a cohesive team involves more than just bringing together skilled individuals. It requires a strategic method to set norms, handle conflicts, and encourage open communication. Building a team is akin to crafting a piece of a masterpiece. Below, we have outlined four fundamental principles for crafting a unified team.

1. The Importance of Developing a Team Charter for Setting Team Norms

A team charter is a foundational document that outlines the team's purpose, goals, roles, and norms. It serves as a guiding framework that helps team members understand their collective mission and how they should interact with one another. Here’s why creating a team charter is crucial for establishing team norms:

  • Clarifies Expectations: A well-crafted team charter clearly defines what is expected from each team member, reducing ambiguity and ensuring everyone is aligned with the team's objectives.

  • Promotes Unity: By establishing shared goals and values, a team charter fosters a sense of unity and collaboration among team members.

  • Enhances Communication: It provides a common language and understanding, which is essential for effective communication within the team.

  • Resolves Conflicts: When conflicts arise, the team charter acts as a reference point, helping to resolve issues by reminding members of their agreed-upon norms and values.

How to Create an Effective Team Charter: 

  1. Involve the Team: Ensure all team members participate in the creation process to foster a sense of ownership.

  2. Define Clear Goals: Outline the team’s objectives and how they align with the organization’s mission.

  3. Establish Roles and Responsibilities: Clearly define each member’s role and what is expected of them.

  4. Set Ground Rules: Agree on norms for behavior, communication, and decision-making processes.

  5. Review and Update: Regularly revisit the charter to ensure it remains relevant and effective.

2. Navigating Team Conflicts: The Significance of Neutrality in Leadership 

Effective leadership requires impartiality, especially when managing conflicts within a team. A neutral leader can facilitate constructive dialogue, ensure fairness, and maintain team harmony. Here’s why neutrality is crucial:

  • Trust and Respect: A neutral leader earns the trust and respect of team members by treating everyone fairly and without bias.

  • Effective Conflict Resolution: Neutrality allows leaders to mediate conflicts more effectively, as team members are more likely to accept their guidance and decisions. Additionally, you can always refer back to the Team Charter where everyone was involved in its creation.

  • Enhanced Team Morale: When conflicts are resolved fairly, team morale improves, leading to a more positive and productive work environment.

Tips for Maintaining Neutrality: 

  1. Listen Actively: Give equal attention to all parties involved in a conflict, listening to their perspectives without judgment.

  2. Avoid Taking Sides: Refrain from showing favoritism or taking sides, as this can exacerbate tensions.

  3. Focus on Solutions: Concentrate on finding solutions that are beneficial for the team as a whole, rather than siding with individual interests.

  4. Encourage Open Communication: Create an environment where all team members feel heard and valued, even during conflicts.

3. Overcoming Fear in Communication: Focusing on Objectives and Aims 

Communication is key in all aspects of life, yet many of us fear it, especially when dealing with challenging individuals. To overcome this fear, remember to keep the communication objective and aim at the forefront of our minds. Here’s how:

  • Define Your Objective: Clearly define what you aim to achieve through the communication. Whether it’s to resolve a conflict, share information, or persuade someone, having a clear objective helps guide the conversation.

  • Prepare Thoroughly: Anticipate potential challenges and prepare your points and responses in advance. This preparation can boost your confidence and reduce fear.

  • Maintain a Positive Mindset: Approach the conversation with a positive attitude, focusing on finding common ground and achieving a positive outcome.

  • Practice Active Listening: Listen actively to the other person’s perspective, showing empathy and understanding. This can help de-escalate tensions and make the conversation more productive.

Tips for Effective Communication: 

  1. Stay Calm: Maintain a calm and composed demeanor, even if the conversation becomes heated.

  2. Use Paraphrasing: If you're unsure how to respond, simply paraphrase to ensure mutual understanding and clarification.

  3. Seek Feedback: Encourage the other person to share their thoughts and feedback, ensuring a two-way conversation.

  4. Follow Up: After the conversation, follow up with a summary of what was discussed and any agreed-upon actions to ensure clarity and accountability.

4. The Importance of Recognition in Team Dynamics: Being Heard and Seen 

Recognition is a powerful tool in team management. When teams feel heard and seen, it boosts morale, enhances motivation, and fosters a positive work environment. Here’s why recognition is crucial and how to implement it effectively:

  • Boosts Morale: Recognition acknowledges the hard work and contributions of team members, making them feel valued and appreciated.

  • Enhances Motivation: Knowing that their efforts are recognized can motivate team members to continue performing at their best.

  • Fosters a Positive Environment: Regular recognition creates a positive and supportive work culture, where team members feel encouraged to contribute and collaborate.

Ways to Recognize Your Team: 

  1. Public Acknowledgment: Acknowledge team achievements and individual contributions publicly, whether in meetings or through company-wide communications.

  2. Personalized Recognition: Tailor recognition to the individual’s preferences, whether it’s a public shout-out, or a simple thank-you note.

  3. Opportunities for Growth: Offer opportunities for professional development and growth as a form of recognition, showing that you value their long-term success.

  4. Create a Culture of Recognition: Encourage team members to recognize each other’s contributions, fostering a culture where everyone feels valued and appreciated. By implementing these strategies, leaders can create a more cohesive, motivated, and productive team environment.

A big thank you to our incredible workshop participants for sharing your valuable insights and amazing tips on managing teams! Your contributions have truly enriched our discussions and made this workshop a huge success! We are very excited about our continued learning journey together. Thank you for being awesome!

Lamsquare workshop with Lord Stow


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