I love going to bookstores for inspiration, and I've always been intrigued by the idea of a 'Blind date with a book.' It feels like a safe way to have a blind date with someone you can trust. Now, with all of us staying home during our city lockdown due to the COVID-19 situation, let's imagine that in the next few months, every day is like a new adventure. You need to figure out what to do each day, and you have no idea what will happen tomorrow in this challenging situation. THAT is a real blind date.
Stay safe. Happy April!
If you have a blind date with a book, what topics would you choose? Why?
If you can choose to have a blind date with, WHAT (not who) would you choose? Why?
What does it tell you?
What are you looking for in this process/journey of blind date?
How is it going to help you grow when you finish this blind date?